My Name Is Asher Lev-Journal Entry on Chapter 3

In Chapter 3, Stalin’s death has a great affect on Asher’s family and all the other Jewish families in his neighborhood. When Asher’s father first found out, he said, in a choked voice, “When your enemy falls, do not rejoice.” (86). I think that he was rejoicing because of Stalin’s death since Stalin caused so much trouble and pain, especially to Jews. Asher’s father said that to remind himself of the right way to behave.

When they go to church, Asher is very moved by the service. “I was no longer swaying; I was concentrating on the words of the prayers. The words moved and danced in front of me. I felt the words inside me.” (88-89). Many people think that because he likes to draw and abandons his schoolwork, Asher is a bad person. He often disappoints his parents, and his behavior shocks his teachers. But the way he feels when he prays shows that he must have some connection to God.

Stalin’s death directly affects Asher’s life. Because of his death, the Rebbe requests that Asher’s family move to Vienna. Asher hates this idea, but his mother tells him that they have to do what the Rebbe asks them to do. Asher despises Stalin, but only because it is Stalin’s fault that they will be moving. I think that the main reason he doesn’t want to go to Vienna is because Yudel Krinsky told him bad things about it. “I was only a few hours once in Vienna. Before the war, it was known as the city of cafes and waltzes. It is a city that hates Jews.” (92). It is very unfair of Yudel Krinsky to scare Asher by saying this. Asher is probably afraid of having to adapt to a whole different culture and having to learn the language and customs, and to hear that he will be rejected when he gets there is very traumatizing. It surprises me that an adult would not have enough common sense to know that such a comment would be very hurtful to a young Jewish boy.

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