Next year, I would like to continue with the digital portfolio project. I have my tenth grade english portfolio web site up on the internet, and I plan to create a home page for all of the web sites I make. This home page would have links to my english portfolios from tenth, eleventh, and twelfth grade. Hopefully I will be able to make this home page over the summer. Then I'll have a nicely organized and complete high school english portfolio.
This summer, in addition to building my home page, I hope to read as many books as possible. I realize that the required number of books read over the summer is only two, but I would like to read many more books than that. Last summer I read only two books, because I had a very busy schedule. Since I have more free time this summer, I should be able to read many books.
I expect next year in English class to be just as challenging as this year, if not more challenging. I will be taking American Studies, so English will be combined with history. I am worried that we will do a lot of history and only a little English. Personally, I would prefer it the other way around. I'll be disappointed if the only English-related things we do in the class are writing essays or research papers about history. I hope that we read and analyze novels and poetry that has to do with history, but are also written well enough to be studied as English material.